Dr. Dawn Tennenbaum has been formally studying psychology since 2002, and has an ongoing commitment to education- her own, as well as teaching and training others. Her academic interests include health psychology (i.e., bidirectional relationship between mind/body, mental health/physical health), psychoanalytic theory, complex trauma and relationships, and the impact of culture on psychology. She has researched, published, and presented on a range of topics including integrated mental health care, the biopsychology of mood and cognition, trauma and impact on substance use and risky health behaviors, severe mental illness, sexual assault, women’s issues, and psychoanalytic theories.
Evans, E. A., Tennenbaum, D. L., Washington, D. L., & Hamilton, A. H. (2019). Why Women Veterans Do Not Use VA-Provided Health and Social Services: Implications for Health Care Design and Delivery. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, DOI: 10.1177/0022167819847328
Glover, D.L. Separation-Individuation in Families (2018). In: Lebow J., Chambers A., Breunlin D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy.
Evans, E.A., Glover, D.L., Washington, D.L., & Hamilton, A.B. (2018). Psychosocial Factors that Shape Substance Abuse and Related Mental Health of Women Military Veterans who Use Community-Based Services, Substance Use & Misuse, DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2018.1441309
Cohen A.N., Hamilton A.B., Saks E.R., Glover D.L., Glynn S.M., Brekke J.S., Marder S.R. (2017). How Occupationally High Achieving Individuals Diagnosed with Schizophrenia Manage their Symptoms. Psychiatric Services.
Glover, D. L. Erik Erikson (2017). In: Lebow J., Chambers A., Breunlin D. (eds) Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy.
Cohen A.N., Glover D.L. (2016). Health and Healthcare Disparities Among Veterans with Serious Mental Illness. In National Veteran Health Equity Report—FY2013. VA Office of Health Equity. US Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC. Available online at http://www.va.gov/healthequity/NVHER.asp.
Chrystal, J., Glover, D., Young, A., Whelan, F., Austin, E., Johnson, N., & Kertesz, S. (2015). Experience of Primary Care among Homeless Individuals with Mental Health Conditions. PLoS ONE, 10(2).
Hamilton, A. B., Cohen, A. N., Glover, D., Whelan, F., Chemerinski, E., McNagny, K. P., Young, A. S. (2013). Implementation of evidence-based employment services in specialty mental health. Health Services Research, 48(6 Pt 2), 2224-2244.
Hamilton, A., Glover, D., & Washington, D. (2016, May). Service barriers among Women Veterans Experiencing Homelessness. Presented at Homeless Evidence and Research Synthesis Roundtable, National Cyberseminar.
Glover, D. & Hamilton, A. (2015, October). Risky Pathways to Health Care: Complex Trauma, Sexual Risk, and Substance Use among Women Veterans in Community Care. Presented at National VA Substance Use Disorder Workgroup, National Cyberseminar.
Dunn, C., Glover, D., & Duran, R. (2015, September). Interdisciplinary Training for Clinical Psychology Students: Pathways to Competence in Integrative Healthcare. Paper presented at the 9th World Congress on the Promotion of Mental Health and the Prevention of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Global Knowledge for Local Change, Columbia, SC.
Glover, D., Broadus, C., Washington, D, & Hamilton, A. (2015, July). Fog, Detours, and Crashes on Pathways to Treatment: Trauma and Health Risks among Women Veterans in their Communities. Paper presented at Health Services Research & Development (HSRD), Philadelphia, PA.
Glover, D., Chrystal, J., Kertesz, S., & Young, A. (2015, June). Healthcare for Homeless Individuals with Mental Health Conditions. Paper presented at Academy Health, Minneapolis, MN.
Glover, D., Hamilton, A. B., Washington, D., & Broadus, C (2015, April). Women Veterans’ Pathways to Care and Health Risk Behaviors. Paper presented at California Psychological Association Convention, San Diego, CA.
Glover, D., Cohen, A., Hamilton, A., & Young, A. (2014, April). Patient and Provider Perspectives on a Weight Management Program Tailored for Individuals with Schizophrenia. Paper presented at the Mental Health Services Research (MHSR) National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD.
Young, A., Hamilton, A., Cohen, A., Glover, D., & Whelan, F. (2013, May). Implementing Evidence-Based Quality Improvement to Improve Outcomes at Mental Health Clinics. Paper presented at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Glover, D., & Thayer, R. (2012, June). The Relationship between Energetic and Tense Arousal States and Learning. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Association for Psychological Science (APS) Convention Chicago, Il.
Group Facilitator and Program Analysis, Voices of Warriors, Psychotherapy Process Group for Sexual Abuse Survivors (2017-2019). Wright Institute Los Angeles (WILA), Los Angeles, CA.
Outreach facilitator, Mental Health Awareness Month (May 2016). Office of Student Affairs, Rio Hondo College, Whittier, CA.
Program Development, Test Anxiety Workshop (January 2016). Student Health and Psychological Services, Rio Hondo College, Whittier, CA.
Outreach to Student Veterans (October 2015). Veterans Service Center, Rio Hondo College, Whittier, CA.
Group Facilitator, “Just Us Girls” Women’s Empowerment Workshop (October 2015). Office of Student Equity, Rio Hondo College, Whittier, CA.
Suicide Outreach to Students. “Understanding Suicide” (September 2015). Sociology Department, Rio Hondo College, Whittier, CA.
Depression Screening and Outreach, Suicide Prevention Awareness Week (September 2015). Rio Hondo College, Whittier, CA.